Barnsley 2025 - Player Wages

Barnsley have a total of 61 players in their home squad. The highest earning player in the squad is Gabriel Słonina earning $28,770 per week.

Barnsley play in the League One, the third division of mens professional football in England.

The teams total wage bill is:
  • $9,778,474 per year
  • $188,048 per week

Active Squad:

Player NameWeekly WageYearly SalaryAgePositionNationality
Gabriel Słonina$28,770$1,496,04020GKU.S.A.
Kelechi Nwakali$15,070$783,64026AM CNigeria
Conor Hourihane$12,878$669,65633DM, AM CIreland
Stephen Humphrys$9,042$470,18426AM R, STEngland
Donovan Pines$7,398$384,69626D CU.S.A.
Davis Keillor-Dunn$7,398$384,69626AM RLCEngland
Georgie Gent$7,124$370,44820D/WB/AM LEngland
Josh Benson$6,987$363,32424DMEngland
Luca Connell$6,850$356,20023DMIreland
Sam Cosgrove$6,302$327,70427STEngland
Adam Phillips$6,165$320,58026DM, AM CEngland
Corey O'Keeffe$6,028$313,45626D/WB/AM RIreland
Josh Earl$5,617$292,08425D LCEngland
Jonathan Russell$5,617$292,08423DMJamaica
Maël de Gevigney$5,343$277,83624D CFrance
Max Watters$5,343$277,83625STEngland
Conor McCarthy$4,658$242,21626D CIreland
Marc Roberts$3,973$206,59633D CEngland
Matthew Craig$3,973$206,59621D C, DMScotland
Barry Cotter$3,425$178,10025D/WB/AM RIreland
Ben Killip$3,425$178,10028GKEngland
Fábio Jaló$3,151$163,85218AM RL, STPortugal
Jackson Smith$2,877$149,60422GKEngland
Kyran Lofthouse$2,740$142,48023D/WB/M REngland
Matty Wolfe$2,603$135,35624DMEngland
Aiden Marsh$1,233$64,11621AM/F CEngland
Connor Barratt$1,006$52,29020D RLCIreland
Adam Hayton$959$49,86820GKEngland
Aaron Atkinson$685$35,62019M CEngland
Kieren Flavell$685$35,62020GKEngland
Player NameWeekly WageYearly SalaryAgePositionNationality
Charlie Hickingbottom$658$34,19519D C, DMEngland
Callum West$636$33,05518M CEngland
Harrison Nejman$589$30,63320AM RCEngland
Hayden Pickard$589$30,63318D/WB/M LEngland
Jonathan Bland$562$29,20818D C, DMWales
Josiah Dyer$562$29,20819STMontserrat
Jean Claude Makiessi$562$29,20819DMEngland
Alex Joof$548$28,49619D CEngland
Nathan James$507$26,35919D CThailand
Theo Chapman$425$22,08419AM CEngland
Vimal Yoganathan$397$20,66018M CSri Lanka
Trent Carter-Rodgers$319$16,59919GKEngland
Emmaisa Nzondo$301$15,67318STEngland
Joshua McKay$301$15,67319D/WB/M REngland
Malachi Mbogba$301$15,67317DMEngland
Owen Warburton$301$15,67317M CEngland
Elliott Probert$301$15,67317M CEngland
Kallum Reid$301$15,67317WB R, M RCEngland
Luke Grimshaw$301$15,67318D CEngland
Max Swift$301$15,67317D CEngland
Tom Senior$301$15,67317D CEngland
Geoffrey Lundoloki$301$15,67317D/WB LEngland
Will Thompson$301$15,67317D CEngland
Kieran Graham$301$15,67316AM CEngland
Luke Alker$301$15,67317STEngland
Rogan Ravenhill$75$3,91818GKEngland
Bayley McCann$75$3,91818D/WB LN.Ireland
Ziggy Kozluk$75$3,91818D/WB REngland
Rafael Monteiro$75$3,91818M CPortugal
Astin Brace$75$3,91818D CEngland
Leo Farrell$75$3,91818STEngland

Who is Barnsley's highest earner?

Gabriel Słonina has the highest salary at Barnsley, earning $28,770 per week

What is Barnsley's yearly wage bill in 2025?

Barnsley total salary bill is $9,778,474 per year

What is Barnsley's weekly wage bill in 2025?

Barnsley total salary bill is $188,048 per week

What league do Barnsley's play in?

Barnsley play in the League One, the third division of mens professional football in England.

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