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Oita Trinita - 2025 Player Wages

Oita Trinita have a total of 32 players in their home squad. Oita Trinita play in the J1 League, the top division of football in Japan.

Oita Trinita total wage bill for 2025 is:
  • £2,119,052 per year
  • £40,751 per week

The highest earning player in the squad is Kazuki Fujimoto earning £5,000 per week.

Active Squad:

Player NameWeekly WageYearly SalaryAgePositionNationality
Kazuki Fujimoto£5,000£260,00025WB L, AM LCJapan
Shun Ayukawa£2,600£135,20022AM/F CJapan
Arata Watanabe£2,500£130,00028AM LC, F CJapan
Derlan£2,400£124,80028D CBrazil
Konosuke Nishikawa£2,000£104,00021GKJapan
Kento Haneda£2,000£104,00027D C, DMJapan
Kenshin Yasuda£2,000£104,00019DMJapan
Naoki Nomura£1,900£98,80033AM LCJapan
Masaki Yumiba£1,900£98,80022DMJapan
Pereira£1,800£93,60027D RC, DMBrazil
Ren Ikeda£1,700£88,40026AM LC, F CJapan
Tomoya Ando£1,600£83,20025D CJapan
Shun Nagasawa£1,600£83,20035STJapan
Yamato Machida£1,300£67,60034AM CJapan
Yuki Kagawa£1,300£67,60032D/WB/M LJapan
Junya Nodake£1,100£57,20029D/AM RJapan
Katsunori Ueebisu£1,000£52,00028D CJapan
Kohei Isa£1,000£52,00032STJapan
Ryosuke Tone£700£36,40032D CJapan
Taira Shige£600£31,20031AM RLJapan
Tsukasa Umesaki£600£31,20037AM LCJapan
Keisuke Saka£588£30,57629D RCJapan
Hiroto Nakagawa£576£29,95229AM/F CJapan
Keita Takahata£367£19,08423D/WB/M LJapan
Josei Sato£367£19,08419D C, DMJapan
Shinya Utsumoto£301£15,65224AM/F CJapan
Yusho Takahashi£300£15,60022D CJapan
Yusuke Matsuo£300£15,60024D R, STJapan
Yusei Yashiki£300£15,60020D/AM RJapan
Player NameWeekly WageYearly SalaryAgePositionNationality
Yoshiaki Arai£236£12,27228GKJapan
Kim Hyunwoo£100£5,20022STSouth Korea

See Oita Trinita transfers here.

Who is Oita Trinita's highest earner?

Kazuki Fujimoto has the highest salary at Oita Trinita, earning £5,000 per week

What is Oita Trinita's yearly wage bill in 2025?

Oita Trinita total salary bill is £2,119,052 per year

What is Oita Trinita's weekly wage bill in 2025?

Oita Trinita total salary bill is £40,751 per week

What league do Oita Trinita's play in?

Oita Trinita play in the J1 League, the top division of football in Japan.

Sources - Press releases, news & articles, online encyclopedias & databases, industry experts & insiders. We find the information so you don't have to!